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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Health Care Advancement

Many Ijaw communities face significant healthcare challenges due to limited resources, infrastructure, and access to medical services. This disparity leaves community members vulnerable to preventable illnesses and insufficient care. We believe that access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right and a cornerstone of community well-being.

IEDA is on a mission to bridge the healthcare gap in our communities. We aim to support existing efforts to provide accessible, reliable, and quality healthcare services to improve the well-being of Ijaw families. 

How Your Contribution Makes a Difference

Your support is pivotal in our healthcare initiatives. By contributing to IEDA, you directly aid:
  • Medical Camps and Outreach Programs: We can organize medical camps and outreach initiatives, providing essential healthcare services, screenings, vaccinations, and health education directly in underserved areas.
  • Health Infrastructure Improvement: We can invest in improving healthcare infrastructure, including clinics, hospitals, and medical facilities, ensuring communities have access to adequate healthcare facilities.
  • Healthcare Personnel Training: Supporting training programs for healthcare professionals enhances their skills, knowledge, and capacity to serve these communities better.
  • Access to Medicines and Equipment: Your contributions will assist in providing essential medicines, medical equipment, and supplies to healthcare facilities, ensuring better treatment and care for patients.

When we think of other peoples lives as linked to our own, our empathy grows. They’ve demonstrated an amazing ability to help build a brighter and better future for our community.


Be Part of The Change

Ready to make a difference? Your support matters. Join IEDA in its healthcare initiatives. Together, let’s create healthier communities, empower families, and make a lasting impact on healthcare access in poor Ijaw communities. Contribute now